For a Better World


How Middle School students benefit from learning at KOMPASS

Our goal is to establish a learning environment that is engaging and empowering for our students, preparing them for success in the 21st century. Our approach is focused on the student, promoting critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and social-emotional development.

Middle school students have specific developmental needs across academic, social, emotional, and physical aspects. They require a supportive and safe learning environment that is inclusive and encouraging. It is important for middle school students to feel respected, valued, and motivated to take on challenges in their learning. 

The Reggio Emilia pedagogy is an educational approach that originated in the town of Reggio Emilia in northern Italy.

It has been an integral part of our educational philosophy because it values the unique perspectives and abilities of each child. Children are capable and competent individuals who construct their own learning through exploration, inquiry, and interaction with their environment. The Reggio Emilia approach also fosters a sense of community and belonging, and encourages lifelong learning through meaningful experiences.

Reggio Emilia elements at KOMPASS are integrated into our early childhood learning in various ways:

1. Emergent, Child-Centered Curriculum


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We are a trilingual progressive school with campuses in Maadi (Cairo, Egypt) and Somabay (Red Sea, Egypt), offering education for children aged 1 to 14. Our dedicated and child-centered teachers work in small groups to nurture the individuality of each child and foster their holistic development. We focus not only on academic success but also on developing strong social skills to prepare our students to thrive as responsible members of the global community. At our nursery, preschool, elementary school, and middle school, we strive to empower each child to become the best version of themselves.


Wir sind eine dreisprachige alternative Schule in Maadi (Kairo, Ägypten) and Somabay (Red Sea, Egypt). In Krippe, Kindergarten, Grundschule und Mittelschule lernen Kinder aus ägyptischen, gemischt-internationalen, aus deutschen sowie Expat bzw. Botschaftsfamilien anderer Nationalitäten. Unser Team ist speziell für die Bedürfnisse der verschiedenen Altersgruppen zwischen 1 und 14 geschult. KOMPASS-Pädagogen arbeiten in kleinen Gruppen um sich auf die Individualität jedes Kindes konzentrieren zu können, und ihm/ihr zu helfen, die beste Version seiner selbst zu entdecken. Indem wir uns nicht nur auf akademischen Erfolg, sondern auch auf starke soziale Fähigkeiten konzentrieren, wollen wir Kinder darauf vorbereiten, verantwortungsbewusste Mitglieder unserer globalen Gesellschaft zu werden.

Our Approach

The KOMPASS system is child-centered, hands-on and inquiry-based. Real learning for children of all ages happens while exploring and experiencing from collecting, analyzing and synthesizing information. Children’s learning is, therefore, process-oriented rather than product-oriented.

We give children the opportunity to recognize and follow their own interests. We encourage them to think for themselves and develop their own individual voices. We have built the KOMPASS system after researching international role models who were inspired by progressive educators like Maria Montessori, Jean Piaget and Lew Vygotksy, and by the experiences of the educational philosophy of Reggio Emilia and the German infans philosophy from which we have derived precious procedures and methods.


Children are capable and competent to engage in their own learning about the world
• Children are active, social learners who want to learn
• Children are explorers, researchers, inventors, artists and philosophers. They bring valuable knowledge, ideas and experiences.
• Children are influenced by family, culture, gender and previous experiences.
• Children have various learning styles and ways of understanding and constructing knowledge.
• Children have rights
• Children need roots and wings


• Children are capable and competent to engage in their own learning about the world.
• Children are active, social learners who want to learn.
• Children are explorers, researchers, inventors, artists and philosophers. They bring valuable knowledge, ideas and experiences.
• Children are influenced by family, culture, gender and previous experiences.
• Children have various learning styles and ways of understanding and constructing knowledge.
• Children have rights.
• Children need roots and wings.

Our promise

We take early childhood and primary education seriously. Innovation in pedagogy doesn’t mean faster, higher, further. Instead, it is about helping each child find their own learning path. This makes education challenging, supportive, ingenious, exciting, insightful and sometimes even slowed down.

• We believe in the capabilities of the child.
• We respect children and we always take them seriously without exception.
• We understand and support the child’s spirit for discovery.
• We never embarrass a child.
• We don’t compare children.
• Children must experience that they are truly capable and that we believe in them.
• We also learn, just as the children do.
• We believe in the accomplishments of guiding teachers.


Children are natural learners. Their brain structures are ideal for learning and their natural curiosity is the basis for growing creativity and a life-long passion for learning. Teachers must know the children and what they are currently interested in to utilize this curiosity and to build on it. Once the child’s mind is open for a particular topic,

they can successfully connect the information themselves, and learning becomes sustainable.
That’s why it is our goal to put the child’s own contribution to learning at the center. This revolutionizes learning. Children at KOMPASS have the chance to inquire into a phenomenon or to debate an idea actively, rather than merely reciting it.


Our daily routines, rituals, an emotionally supportive system, modern and friendly facilities and – last but not least – our warm, open culture all aim to make children at KOMPASS feel welcome, inspired and challenged. We care to make learning an experience that helps children connect their knowledge as a foundation for life-time learning.


Our daily routines, rituals, an emotionally supportive system, modern and friendly facilities and – last but not least – our warm, open culture all aim to make children at KOMPASS feel welcome, inspired and challenged. We care to make learning an experience that helps children connect their knowledge as a foundation for life-time learning.


At KOMPASS children are exposed to German, English and Arabic. Young children’s minds are like sponges that absorb language. In fact, it is one of their most important cognitive tasks to listen to and imitate their mother tongue. Early exposure to other languages enables more neural connections to form in the brain, which actually also improve the language skills in the first language.

If a second, third – and for some of our children – even a fourth language is added early, this language is painless for a child to learn and will not only become more natural to that child than if it was learned later, but will also cause the child to learn future languages more easily. Early multiple language learners also practice cognitive skills that are beneficial for learning in general.


Rather than learning a language in language classes, language acquisition at KOMPASS occurs through the consequent use of three languages in everyday situations. Just like parents enable language learning by speaking and interacting with the child,

our children learn in everyday interactions from our trilingual teachers the meaning of words and expressions and develop a feeling for the three languages. The native speakers in our team help to convey the culture as well.


Observation and documentation is key for the successful work of our teachers. The children’s development as observed by the teachers is documented together with the work of the child and relevant photos in the child’s development portfolio,

a “journey book” that depicts the milestones of the years spent at KOMPASS, from nursery, throughout kindergarten and school. The purpose of the development portfolio is to display how the child progresses. The strength of the portfolio is that each child’s progress is measured against his/her own development. We focus on individual assessments from observations where we recognize the child’s individual progress compared to before, but we also measure progress against age / grade level standards and other developmental benchmarks, that parents have a realistic idea of their child’s progress.


The goal for all children is to emphasize the value of differences rather than the stigma associated with being different. It is proven that the inclusion of children with special needs is not only beneficial for the included children. The other children also experience that communities are diverse, with people who possess different skills and who have different needs.

Therefore, we welcome a limited number of children with learning difficulties or special needs if our educational offering fulfills the necessary requirements for the child to developmentally benefit and be safe. This might require that the child comes with an approved support teacher.


We accept each child for his/her unique learning style, so the continuum for acceptable behavior is quite broad. We look further into the reasons for a child’s behavior, rather than just focus on the external signs.

Adaptations are then made in the environment through thoughtful observation of the child. This attitude also supports the process of assisting the children in developing self-knowledge and insight about their own learning style, interests, and strengths.


We take pride in our in-house culinary team who provide three fresh, nutritious meals every day. Fresh fruits and/or vegetables are offered during breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.
Like in a family, our teachers take their meals with the children. We consider our meals an extension of our curriculum. Teachers encourage the children to talk about the food that they are eating. These conversations provoke more awareness about food and table manners and encourage healthy choices as well as the culture of eating together.


We take pride in our in-house culinary team who provide three fresh, nutritious meals every day. Fresh fruits and/or vegetables are offered during breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.
Like in a family, our teachers take their meals with the children. We consider these our meals an extension of our curriculum. Teachers encourage the children to talk about the food that they are eating. These conversations provoke more awareness about food and table manners and encourage healthy choices, the joy of eating.

Address: 13 Street 83, Maadi-Cairo

Phone: 02 23802977 – 021002623999

EMAIL: [email protected]