Educated and caring, the KOMPASS team is made up of a diverse group of early childhood, primary and secondary education professionals and educators who are passionate about what they do. In line with our trilingual language immersion, all teachers are native to at least one of the three KOMPASS languages, English, German or Arabic.
Our teachers work as members of a team who together create an environment and an atmosphere that is conducive to learning for children. Close collaboration amongst all team members is essential and requires good team and communication skills. We emphasize ongoing professional development and training with in-house training and workshops.
Educated and caring, the KOMPASS team is made up of a diverse group of early childhood and primary education professionals and educators who are passionate about what they do. In line with our tri-lingual language immersion, all teachers are native to at least one of the three KOMPASS languages, English, German or Arabic.
Our teachers work as members of a team who together create an environment and an atmosphere that is conducive to learning for children. Close collaboration amongst all team members is essential and requires good team and communication skills. We emphasize ongoing professional development and training with in-house trainings and workshops.
Das KOMPASS-Team ist qualifiziert und auf des Wohl jedes Kindes bedacht. Die Pädagogen für frühkindliche Bildung, Grund- und Sekundarbildung sind leidenschaftlich in der Umsetzung progressiver Bildung. Im Einklang mit der dreisprachigen Sprachimmersion sind alle Lehrer in mindestens einer der drei KOMPASS-Sprachen, Englisch, Deutsch oder Arabisch, muttersprachlich. Das Team gewährleistet in enger Zusammenarbeit eine lernförderliche Umgebung und Atmosphäre. Gute Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit sind daher unerlässlich. KOMPASS lege zudem Wert auf kontinuierliche Weiterbildung.
• Facilitate learning opportunities according to age and developmental level of each child.
• Engage children in problem solving and to working cooperatively in groups.
• Link assessment to learning and make it visible through documentation.
• Encourage children to be self-motivated, independent and create an environment that will ensure a sense of wonder, fascination
and love for learning.
• Create an environment that enables students to succeed in learning at their appropriate level.
• Engage with children in the act of reflection as learners.
• Work as a partner with parents in the child’s education.
• Commit to character education.
• Commit to building relationships with the natural environment.
• Use technology proficiently as a tool for management and educational purposes.
• Attend and participate in school events.
All efforts at KOMPASS are applied towards helping children and teenagers to be the best version of themselves. It is the purpose of KOMPASS to support learners to realize their own potential. This requires everyone’s commitment to our core values:
"Wow!" - PASSION
I love what I do. I dive into my work. I am happy to learn and improve steadily. I inspire my positive attitude. I make the magic happen.
I see the bigger picture. I anticipate what might happen next and take appropriate action. I expect the unexpected and prepare for it. I avoid tomorrow’s problems today.
"Catch the Ball" - RESPONSIBILITY
I am reliable and know what is expected of me. I am able and eager to fill gaps and help out in other areas. I know that nobody is perfect and see my mistakes as a learning opportunity.
"Be Yourself" - BEING TRUE
I am authentic. I share ideas and feedback by communicating clearly, directly, politely and constructively, never behind somebody else’s back.
"Embrace the Difference" - ACCEPTANCE
I seek peace with myself, others and the world I live in. I accept every child and colleague/superior the way they are and reach out to them. I can make others feel at comfortable, even in difficult situations. I stand for unity in diversity.
Helping children to be the best version of themselves Our work is targeted to help each child realize his/her own potential. This requires from everyone at KOMPASS a strong commitment to our core values:
"Wow!" - PASSION
I love what I do. I dive into my work. I am happy to learn and improve steadily. I inspire my positive attitude. I make the magic happen.
I see the bigger picture. I anticipate what might happen next and take appropriate action. I expect the unexpected and prepare for it. I avoid tomorrow’s problems today.
"Catch the Ball" - RESPONSIBILITY
I am reliable and know what is expected of me. I am able and eager to fill gaps and help out in other areas. I know that nobody is perfect and see my mistakes as a learning opportunity.
"Be Yourself" - BEING TRUE
I am authentic. I share ideas and feedback by communicating clearly, directly, politely and constructively, never behind somebody else’s back.
"Embrace the Difference" - ACCEPTANCE
I seek peace with myself, others and the world I live in. I accept every child and colleague/superior the way they are and reach out to them. I can make others feel at comfortable, even in difficult situations. I stand for unity in diversity.

We have 5 spots for students or young professionals to do three to six month internships at KOMPASS in Maadi and at KOMPASS Somabay. Since over a decade, we have been welcoming students from Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) in Stuttgart, Germany, and other foreign universities for internships at KOMPASS.
Applications should be emailed to:
[email protected]

Wir haben 5 Plätze für Studenten oder junge Berufstätige, um drei- bis sechsmonatige Praktika bei KOMPASS in Maadi und bei KOMPASS in Somabay zu absolvieren:
2 Plätze im Kindergarten in Maadi 1 Platz im Kindergarten Somabay
1 Platz in der Grundschule in Maadi 1 Platz in der Mittelschule in Maadi
Seit über einem Jahrzehnt begrüßen wir Studierende der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) in Stuttgart, Deutschland, und anderer ausländischer Hochschulen und Universitäten für Praktika bei KOMPASS.
Bewerbungen richtet Ihr bitte per E-Mail an [email protected] . Fügt bitte eine englische Version des Lebenslaufs bei.
Coming to Egypt is exciting. Our foreign teachers are usually fascinated by the exotic combination of experiencing Egypt as an adventure and by the progressive, modern way that our school operates by. We help new teachers arrive and settle. We provide support in the search for suitable accommodation and help navigate through the new surroundings. KOMPASS team is known for its welcoming support.
Nach Ägypten zu kommen ist aufregend. Unsere ausländischen Lehrer sind in der Regel fasziniert von der exotischen Kombination, Ägypten als Abenteuer zu erleben, und von der fortschrittlichen, modernen Arbeitsweise unserer Schule. Wir helfen neuen Kollegen und Praktikanten bei der Ankunft und Eingewöhnung. Wir unterstützen bei der Suche nach einer geeigneten Unterkunft und helfen bei der Orientierung in der neuen Umgebung. Das KOMPASS-Team ist bekannt für seine herzliche Betreuung.
Our teachers hold university or other professional degrees in education and/or have relevant teaching experience. If you are looking for a school that provides a collaborative and supportive environment for both children and employees, KOMPASS is the right place.
Please email your application to [email protected].
Kindly include an English version of your CV.