Prime Education for children from 2.9 year of age up to 6th grade     

  • In 2021, KOMPASS Kindergarten launched its inaugural program in Somabay, dedicated to children aged 2.9 to 6 years old. The KOMPASS Somabay Kindergarten draws its concept and inspiration from the renowned KOMPASS Kindergarten in Maadi (Cairo), leveraging its well-established framework to create a distinctive learning environment. Our dedicated educators at KOMPASS Somabay extend the same enriching learning experience, ensuring that children, despite being 500km away from the original KOMPASS, receive the same quality education. Guided by trained and compassionate educators, children are nurtured in an aesthetically appealing environment designed to challenge and stimulate their growth and development.

Somabay is a beautiful place for children to grow up in: Plenty of space, nature by the sea, state-of-the-art sports facilities, a healthy environment and a lively community of families who all come together at KOMPASS.For our children, all of Somabay is a place of learning

  • In very well-prepared educational areas that help them to develop their own learning potential in academics and non-academics

  • with individual challenges for every child, inviting for children’s interest,  natural curiosity, creativity and innovative thinking

  • supported by a qualified and experienced team of passionate educators. The team is under ongoing training and supervision, based on international experience and know-howknowledge

  • in a caring environment that is fully dedicated to child-centered


Embracing Empathy
Exploring the Intersection of Values
Emotionality and Social Relationships

We focus on nurturing self-confidence, autonomy, and a deep respect for boundaries and rules. Through our curriculum, your Child will learn how to navigate emotions and communication effectively, building strong and meaningful relationships along the way.

By engaging with other children, honing teamwork skills, and learning constructive conflict resolution strategies, will develop into a well-rounded individual capable of fostering deeper connections and friendships. Its a journey of personal growth and societal harmony.

Nurturing Language & Literacy Skills

Our Educational system focuses on helping children develop essential communication skills. Through our interactive activities.

Children will learn to listen actively, understand different non-verbal forms of expression such as body language and facial expression, and explore the three KOMPASS languages with curiosity and openness.

We also aim to cultivate their interest in books, writing, and the culture of writing. By participating in our program, children will develop the ability to follow and comprehend longer narratives and texts, enhancing their overall communication and literacy skills. Join us on this enriching journey of language and communication development for your child!


Dedicated to children’s physical development! We aim to cultivate a strong sense of body awareness in children while enhancing their gross and fine motor skills. Through carefully designed activities, we help children train their coordination skills, reaction time, spatial orientation, and balance. Our programs are designed to not only foster physical skills but also to boost self-esteem by creating a safe environment for children to explore new movements and experience the joy of playing sports in a group setting.

We embark on a journey of growth, discovery, and fun-filled physical activities tailored to enrich your child’s overall well-being.

Children’s holistic development through the power of music, language, and movement. Here, children will explore the magical world of combining music, language, and movement to foster their growth and creativity. Through our program, children will have the opportunity to:

Develop acoustic characteristics such as rhythm, pitch, and melody to enhance their own movements and collaborate effectively with others.

Identify and manage their emotions while understanding the connections between mind and body.

Discover the joy of eating mindfully and practicing good table manners while learning about healthy nutrition.

Cultivate essential self-care skills for a healthy lifestyle.

A Learning Adventure
THE Secrets of Mathematics, Technology, and Science

Here, kids can embark on a fun and interactive journey to explore quantities, numbers, space, and time. They will have the opportunity to capture geometric shapes using all their senses and learn to recognize, distinguish, and sort them with ease. Our educational system aims to help children acquire counting and computational skills while fostering a deep understanding of quantity, length, weight, time, and relationships.

Through our engaging activities, children will develop a keen sense of spatial and temporal awareness, allowing them to navigate the world around them confidently. They will also have the chance to discover the natural habitats of animals, learn about natural materials like leaves and flower shapes, and gain insights into environmental conservation. Our focus is on nurturing values such as caring, mindfulness, responsibility, and fostering an environmentally conscious mindset in our young learners.


• Learn to express feelings, thoughts and ideas through art and music.
• Learn to use pictorial techniques.
• Develop a basic understanding of colors and shapes.

• Perceive the environment and culture consciously
• Perceive the environment and culture consciously and with all senses.
• Experience music as a source of joy, relaxation, Comfort and encouragement.
• Discover own voice and singing voice. Learn songs and verses from the children’s fantasy and other Cultures.
• Develop joy in singing and making music together.




Responding to the increasing demand from families in Somabay,

KOMPASS and Abu Soma Development Company (ASDC) expanded their collaboration 2023 to also provide exceptional education to primary school students. This expansion marked a pivotal moment as KOMPASS Somabay now offers education up to 6th grade, ensuring a seamless educational journey from kindergarten to primary school.

Situated amidst the pristine surroundings of Somabay, our School provides an enriching environment with spacious facilities, coastal landscapes, and modern sports amenities, fostering a vibrant community of families united by the KOMPASS ethos. 

Every aspect of Somabay becomes a dynamic learning environment for our students, allowing for a true ‘School-without-walls’ experience. 

Our educational spaces at the school is thoughtfully crafted to unlock each child’s academic and holistic potential, stimulating their curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills. 

Our dedicated team of educators, with their international experience and continuous professional development, uphold the highest standards of care and education, ensuring a nurturing environment centered around each child’s growth and well-being.

National Benchmarks

We also benchmark our learning through national standards, ensuring compliance with selected elements of the US Common Core Standards (NYS P-12), the Bildungsplan der Grundschule (Germany, Baden-Württemberg), and the Egyptian National Curriculum.


As a progressive school, we believe in opening a world of opportunity for our learners. Our School Without Walls program enhances learning through experiential hands-on, community-based learning.  Students learn outside the walls of our campus through partnerships with local organizations. Parents and other members of our school community are also invited to join our SWW program, to enrich the learning experience at the KOMPASS School.

Singapore Math

We are excited about being able to support our students in their quest to develop their best selves also in math.  We complement our curriculum with one of the world’s most effective models for learning math: the Singapore Math Program. It emphasizes the importance of concrete understanding through hands-on learning of math. Students learn math through three distinct phases of learning: concrete, pictorial, then abstract learning. This learning sequence allows students to learn math through experience, empowering them to think logically and solve problems.


Please contact KOMPASS Somabay to schedule your visit and a meeting with the KOMPASS Somabay Director. If you are not yet in Somabay, we are happy to arrange a phone or video call. 

Email: [email protected] 

Call: +201025378375

Whatsapp: +201001081029

Kompass Location: 13 Street 83, Maadi, Cairo 
Directions in Google Maps : CLICK HERE



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